Photos's From Powder Church:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Review of Bill Morin, WAM Construction of Spokane WA

I hired Bill Morin of Spokane based WAM Construction to build my house and I can’t tell you how disappointed I was both in his level of professionalism and quality of construction. I would never recommend using Bill Morin or WAM Construction in Spokane or wherever you might be. In the construction of my house I had many issues with lack of project management skills. Conversations would be forgotten, details were often neglected and subs were not lined up to get to my project in time.

Also in my review of Bill Morin and WAM Construction of Spokane I’d have to mention that there were numerous quality of construction and completion issues. So many there were never fixed or completed that I had to hire an attorney to try and get Bill Morin to come back to my house and finish or fix the work. If you have any questions or for some reason are still considering hiring Bill Morin or WAM Construction in Spokane please email or call me anytime. Good luck!

More info on Bill Morin here:

Monday, November 12, 2007

More Powder Church Photos!

This is a sample of some of the great images showing up on Powder Church, the site for ski and snowboarders:

Find more photos like this on Powder Church

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Announcing Powder Church

We've finally launched Powder Church, the social network for ski and snowboard fans. There are a ton of great photos and videos already. Come join and add your own at

Thanks for checking it out!